Monday, November 28, 2011

Music Quotes

 Below are some of my favorite music-related quotes from my favorite movie--Almost Famous, and a couple of my favorite musicians--Kurt Cobain and Bob Dylan. I hope you enjoy the weight and sincerity of the words as much as I do.

In the movie 'Almost Famous,' Anita Miller (Zooey Deschanel) has one of my favorite lines from the film to her mother saying---

"This song explains why I'm leaving home to become a stewardess." 

The song to which she was referring to was 'America' by Simon and Garfunkel. She then leaves her younger brother William a note reading---

Kurt Cobain:
"Music comes first; lyrics are secondary. Most of my lyrics are contradictions. I'll write a few sincere lines, and then I'll have to make fun of [them]. I don't like to make it too obvious, because if it is too obvious, it gets really stale. You shouldn't be in people's faces 100% all the time. We don't mean to be really cryptic or mysterious, but I just think that lyrics that are different and weird and spacey paint a nice picture. It's just the way I like art."

Bob Dylan:
“... songs, to me, were more important than just light entertainment. They were my preceptor and guide into some altered consciousness of reality. Some different republic, some liberated republic... whatever the case, it wasn't that I was anti-popular culture or anything and I had no ambition to stir things up. I just thought of mainstream culture as lame as hell and a big trick. It was like the unbroken sea of frost that lay outside the window and you had to have awkward footgear to walk with.”

"So Russel, what do you love about music?"
"To begin with, Everything."

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