I've never had a New Year's Resolution. I don't know why really. It seems like a fine practice... setting goals and trying to reach them. That's a healthy human thing, I think. I'm not obstinately against them for any fundamental reason; I guess 23 years just hasn't been enough time to adequately ponder a set of goals I resolve to achieve with the refreshing of the yearly calendar.
I do find the premise of it very romantic and enticing. The fresh breath and novelty of "starting over" is a dream for all, right? That's why mornings feel so good--the promise of a new day can be intoxicating. And those happen 365 times a year! Unless you sleep through a whole day or you're traveling through all the time zones (I'm not sure how that works actually), or super hungover and then you're like I HATE TODAY. Anyway, for the most part, even the smallest renewal can bring out positivity previously buried under annoyance or regret, dance moves formerly trapped between clinched buttcheeks (hehe), and a certain undeniable morsel of possibility that offers the potential of anything.
And that's just on the daily level. January 1 happens once. The biggest and most inspiring restart button of the year. That's why we all get shitfaced about it--because the anticipation of starting afresh is best enjoyed alongside fireworks, cocktails, sequins clothing, and a few final questionable choices before you can really ring in the new year. We would all die of anticipatory "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE because new year bahhhh" without alcohol and hey, whatever else you're into, man. Just be safe; nobody can party with you if you're dead. Oops, got dark again.
Anyway, on New Years, as people turn up and pop off, (sorry about those; symptoms of 2013) you hear people saying things like, "I could totally be a senator; why not!" and "I'm going to be so healthy. Like BANANAS fit. Like I'll lose friends about it." or maybe something like, "It's not about changing my appearance this year, I want to grow emotionally. I'm going to learn something new, like origami maybe. Or how to control my drinking problem."
So... should I like, resolve to do something in 2014? Maybe. I mean, I'm here now; I could just keep writing and see what happens? Yeah, okay, cool.
1. Read. TV is cool, I get it. But also, you should read more. You're a "writer," so obviously this is obvious. You have all these books... Untouched. Start with those.
2. Travel with an open mind. Different cultures and ideals make for a more understanding and whole human. You should be that. And uhh, go to as many places as you can. You're 23. Someday soon, you're going to wake up and be 60--I don't want you to wake up sad and decrepit from lack of experience.
3. Quit living a life within your apartment. If Spain* taught you anything, it afforded you the perspective of a new idea of human experience. Their lives exist outside their homes--something that a South Dakota homebody (formerly, I assure you) was like WHAT about. But it is easy to see the loveliness of such a life. You, too, should fill your days with meeting people, seeing your city, and less constant introspection. A solitary life breeds insanity and you're learning that's not always the answer. A mixture of introspective thought and outside interaction is key. Do I sound like a robot? Hmm.
Did I do that right? Whatever. BYE I LOVE YOU AND COOKIES.

*Proof of Spain, okay.
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