You know what's really wonderful about music today? Hearing the mainstream pop stars' hit songs blowing up the radio, playing at every rubbish bar I go to, and spreading like wildfire among the untrained ears of people everywhere. And by the way, my use of 'wonderful' in the previous sentence is based on its other defnition. The one where it means dreadfully awful and perpetually disappointing. But not to worry, at least these pop stars are great role models for teens across America, right? Ohhh wait a second, so...
dancing on stripper poles,
wearing candy as clothes,
Exclusively singing about partying,
and randomly throwing water into the mix
arent' dead giveaways for true Artists? Well bollocks! Turns out many mainstream "musicians" use their fame to make money, not art. And in today's music, this is becoming more and more common. Many are simply puppets of the music industry, tools to gain fame and money. They are contracted into an image that becomes them. They transform into the industry's idea of a star, and from here, the honesty and soul of the music slowly dies and is replaced by dollar signs and lip synced performances.
But there is hope. You can simply learn to shun the musical shit that is being hurled in your face day after day. Don't give in to the hype. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it deserves your respect. There are so many real artists out there who write their own songs, perform every show for the fans, and stay true to the music because it is their true home. So, go on, give them your love.